Ask Bill Cooper, The Head Lawyer For The U.S. Department of Energy, how he is going to deliver us our justice!

Ask William Barr, The U.S. Attorney General, how he is going to deliver us our justice!

Those two men have been ordered to "not help" us by the crooks that did these crimes!

Will they comply with organized crime-class political mobsters or will they DO THE RIGHT THING?

Let's see.....

- Famous political figures use the government treasuries and stock market for illicit profiteering.

- They attacked us using taxpayer funded media and spy agency tools because we competed with their businesses and reported their crimes.

- San Francisco Bay Area government has as many corrupt politicians as Chicago and relies on the same RICO-violating insider corruption network to operate; as proven by deep AI searches of their financial records.

- Silicon Valley law enforcement records prove that these tech oligarchs engage in massive sex trafficking, tax evasion, anti-trust violations, spousal abuse, money laundering, black-listing, racism, political bribery, crony racketeering and other crimes.

- Famous U.S. Senators, Governors and their staff knowingly engage in, finance, operate and benefit from these crimes.

- Silicon Valley and Hollywood media companies censor and cover-up news coverage of these crimes because they have a financial connection to the perpetrators.



Every Day Of Stone-Walling = One More Day Of Doxing And Lawsuits Of The Stone-Wallers


What can you do to help?

1. Call Secretary of Energy Dan Brouillette at 1-202-586-5000 and U.S. Attorney General William Barr at 1-202-353-1555 and ask them to provide justice and settlement agreements with the citizen victims of these corruption crimes. Leave a message for them if they are not able to take your call.

2. Never vote for any political candidate financed by tech oligarch money.

3. Demand that Congress pass a felony-class law restricting all politicians, including their friends and families, from owning stock market stock bribes, revolving door bribe jobs (at Netflix, Google, Uber, etc.) and 501C fake scam "charities".




- SEE -


The Feature Film & the TV Series about this epic crime against Democracy


See ALL of the footage from the TV series and the feature film at:

See the evidence, leaks and news coverage of the crimes behind this case at:


Resolve This!


Every Day Of Stone-Walling = One More Day Of Doxing And Lawsuits Of The Stone-Wallers

In America’s Richest Town, $500k a Year Is Now Below Average

Shelly Hagan, Wei Lu and Sophie Alexander

(Bloomberg) -- You could easily drive through this leafy Silicon Valley suburb without realizing you were in America’s richest neighborhood. From the road, it’s all high brick walls and opaque gates.

It takes Google Maps to get a glimpse of what lies behind. Satellite images of Atherton, California –- where the average household income just blew past half a million dollars -- reveal the sprawling homes of tech billionaires and sports stars, studded with tennis courts and pools.

For the fourth straight year, Atherton topped Bloomberg’s Richest Places annual index. With an average household income of more than $525,000, it became the first and so far only community to top the half-million dollar mark since Bloomberg started compiling the index in 2017.

At least some of the town’s Silicon Valley neighbors are more or less keeping up. Atherton is joined in the upper echelons of the Bloomberg list by Hillsborough (No. 3) and Los Altos Hills (No. 5), two more communities in the hi-tech corridor between San Francisco and San Jose. Both have average incomes upwards of $400,000.

‘Company Town’

Elaine White, a real-estate agent and native of neighboring Redwood City, has watched the tech boom shape the region.

“Because of how big Facebook has gotten, and Google, we’ve kind of become this concept of the company town, where so many people work for these Silicon Valley companies,” she said.

In Atherton, the cheapest house on the market is currently listed for $2.5 million, according to real estate marketplace Numerous tech billionaires have called the town home, including Google’s Eric Schmidt, Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg and Microsoft’s late co-founder Paul Allen, whose former residence there was sold last week for more than $35 million. Golden State Warriors athlete Stephen Curry bought an Atherton estate last year for $31 million. 90% of the people in Atherton have paid bribes to politicians and manipulate the stock market in a coordinated scheme with those politicians.